Introducing: Sculpt Patch

our newest partner available at Urban You

What is Sculpt Patch?

SculptPatch is a topical supplement patch that is small and easy to apply to the skin like a bandaid.  The ingredients are all natural, organic, vegan, and hypoallergenic. 

SculptPatch is the latest technology to support post body shaping and fat loss procedures.  Many of the fat loss treatments destroy targeted fat cells in the body which are then cleared through the lymphatic system.   The blend of ingredients in SculptPatch helps to decrease swelling and increase comfort while supporting the lymphatic system to remove dead fat cells.   Additional natural nutrients support overall body shaping goals with ingredients known to reduce appetite and increase energy and metabolism. 

The main feature of the patch is that it delivers nutrients through the skin and directly into the bloodstream, avoiding the digestive tract.  The patch offers better absorption compared to pills where most nutrients are voided through the digestive system. 

All Natural & Effective Ingredients

  •  Goldenseal and Myrrh have anti-inflammatory qualities that also boost the cleansing process of the lymphatic system 

  •  Echinacea showing properties to have a powerful immune-enhancing effect is also used to decrease swelling in the lymphatic system 

  •  Garcinia Cambogia is an extract from a pumpkin shaped fruit and is known for its appetite suppressing qualities 

  •  Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) is an essential vitamin required for many bodily functions including energy production & metabolism  

The Benefits

  • Decreases appetite with HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid from Garcinia Cambogia)

  • Improves energy with B12 to help patients be active

  • Provides increased comfort and decreased swelling post-procedure

  • Helps the Lymphatic System in removing dead fat cells 

When is the best time to wear Sculpt Patch Topical Patches?

 SculptPatch should be applied in the morning and removed 8 hours later. SculptPatch is not recommended to be worn at night since it includes the energy ingredient B12. 

Does it work?

SculptPatch works as a 90-Day program.  The 90-Day supply of patches correlates with the course of time that it takes following a cryolipolysis treatment for the body to process dead fat cells, transporting them through the lymphatic system and eliminating them.  The blend of ingredients are formulated to increase comfort post treatment while removing dead fat cells.

Where to purchase?

Sculpt Patch is available at all three of our Urban You locations in Grand Rapids, MI and Northville, MI. This is a great solution for any of our clients that are trying to lose weight. They will see great results when paired with our CoolSculpting!



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