Disconnecting to Connect with C.O.O of Urban You, Barbra Homier


In today's SLOW MO episode with Urban You, Nicole is chatting with the Chief Operating Officer of Urban You Barbra Homier. They chat all about how they started Urban You, how you can come out of a season of struggle even stronger than before and even touch on women in politics.


In today's SLOW MO episode with Urban You, Nicole is chatting with the Chief Operating Officer of Urban You Barbra Homier.

Being a full-time attorney, wife, and mother of three children takes what seems to be every minute of every day. Despite the craziness of her life, when presented with an opportunity that challenged her fear, she chose to embrace the fear and move forward as co-founder of Urban You Modern Beauty & Wellness. She pushed past her feelings of self-doubt and went for it!

They chat all about how they started Urban You, how you can come out of a season of struggle even stronger than before, and even touch on women in politics. Now more than every it’s important that you let you voice be heard.

After you have given yourself a few moments that are solely for yourself — not your work, not your spouse, not your children — there will be nothing that you cannot accomplish. Stop the self-doubt. Conquer your fear. Take the leap of faith.
— Barbra Homier

listen now to hear the whole chat!

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