RECHARGE your body’s all-natural ENERGY and
STOP STRESS on-demand, with the patented neuroscience technology of NuCalm.
Now available at Urban You Modern Beauty + Wellness.
Our high-tech age demands high-tech stress relief. Get the benefits of over two hours of deep, restorative sleep in just 20 minutes with NuCalm at Urban You.
NuCalm is clinically proven to naturally relax the brain and body within minutes, without drugs. This patented technology addresses the brain circuitry in the limbic system, the hypothalamus and the brainstem responsible for producing stress and anxiety. NuCalm works specifically on the body’s inhibitory system, the GABAergic system to reset the naturally occurring negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which when properly functioning is supposed to shut off and stop releasing cortisol from the adrenal glands after the end of a stressful event.
NuCalm is comprised of three discrete steps that work together to entrain brainwaves to the frequency of the first stages of sleep and create parasympathetic nervous system dominance. People in this state are physically unable to have an anxious response. Within moments of application, you will begin to feel relief from the ‘fight-or-flight’ sympathetic nervous system response and as our stress levels decline.
How Does NuCalm Work?
NuCalm combines a light-blocking, a biosignal processing disc, and neuroacoustic software.
A bio-signal processing disc is applied to your left wrist and noise-cancelling headphones are used for the neuroacoustics. You can block out light by simply closing your yes, otherwise we do have eye masks available.
The combination of these three components provides a fully immersive experience, erasing stress and anxiety to achieve a deep level of calm.
The Wellness Benefits of NuCalm
NuCalm holds the only patent in the world for balancing and maintaining the health of the human autonomic nervous system without drugs.
Increased energy
Improved mood / emotional state
Improved sleep quality
Stimulated digestion
Decreased stress hormone production (cortisol & adrenaline)
Lower heart rate
Slow breathing rate
Decreased blood pressure
Increased blood flow / circulation
Enhanced immune function
Ready to relax?
You can experience NuCalm at Urban You during a regular lash service, facial, or CoolSculpting treatment.
Book a complimentary consultation to start or continue your modern beauty and wellness journey at Urban You in Grand Rapids or Northville, Michigan.