Your 4 Faces


Who thinks they have their slightly aging skin all figured out? Anyone?? We may think we know how to take care of ourselves and our skin. We eat mostly healthy, whole foods, we exercise, we hydrate, we wear sunscreen, we limit our alcohol intake (mostly), we get enough rest, AND, if we’re lucky, we fit a little work and a little fun in there too. After all of that, we expect ourselves to look fresh and relaxed so that we can exude confidence in our personal and professional interactions. It’s exhausting! Can I get an ”amen”?

It may be news to us all that we have not one, but FOUR faces that are susceptible to showing signs of aging. These faces include your:

1) Face

2) Décolletage or chest

3) Neck

4) Hands

Which of your faces needs the most help?

Follow this guide below for some quick-hitting laser treatments designed for all of your amazing faces...

Older caucasian female before and after BBL

Troubles With Age Spots or Sun Damage

Is it sun damage and age spots that have become your nemesis? Forever Young BBL Laser targets these pesky fine lines, age spots, freckles, redness, and other unwanted blemishes detracting from the natural beauty of any of the four faces. This treatment can rejuvenate skin on your face, chest, and hands with results experienced in as few as 2 treatments.

Maybe it’s adult acne or unresolved blemishes of your youth that are holding you back. Forever Clear BBL Laser uses light energy to regenerate skin cells to clear away acne. Even the best skin may occasionally experience an acne flare related to stress, poor nutrition, or these days, constant mask-wearing. This treatment stimulates healthy, radiant skin to shine through on your face, neck, or décolletage.

Pesky Hairs

How about that unwanted hair? Seriously! Where does it keep coming from? Forever Bare BBL Laser to the rescue. Comfortable removal of unwanted hair from ANY area of the body that is safe, effective, and most importantly, pain-free. The BBL laser technology uses light energy that is absorbed into the target hair follicles while sparing the surrounding, healthy skin tissue. It also minimizes missed areas as often happens with traditional hair removal techniques.

The Moxi Laser Treatment

But why wait until the damage of aging is clearly visible on our face, décolletage, neck, or hands?? Let’s get ahead of this aging nonsense! Moxi Laser is a gentle skin rejuvenation laser designed to stop the signs of aging before they start. It addresses uneven skin tones, texture, and light sun damage. Think “Prejuevenation”. Moxi treatments also are used to prolong the benefits of the more aggressive laser and light procedures. BBL and Moxi as a combination are the perfect healthy “boost” to your youthfulness.

We are, of course, not solely defined by how we look. But how we look can strongly influence how we feel. Our skin is our biggest “feeling” organ. It’s most important to love the skin you’re in, but, there’s no shame in accepting help to make it better! Additionally, there is no need to feel overwhelmed by which of wonderful treatment options is right for you. The Urban You offers a full wellness consultation to help direct your skincare journey and set you on course to beautiful skin.

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