The Technology of SculptPatch

Many medications, nicotine, and hormones can be delivered through a patch on the skin. Why not essential nutrients and wellness boosters? SculptPatch uses patch technology to deliver key nutrients through the pores, to the capillaries, and finally, into the bloodstream. The organic, vegan, and hypoallergenic ingredients inside SculptPatch promote weight loss and decrease inflammation. The 90-day treatment is especially useful after a CoolSculpting session or anytime you simply want to feel your best. Read below to learn how each of the ingredients in SculptPatch works to help you look and feel your best.

Garcinia Cambogia

This all-natural ingredient contains hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, which promotes weight loss by decreasing appetite. It can also improve rheumatism and intestinal problems. HCA blocks an enzyme that the body uses to make fat. It also boosts the body’s serotonin level, which decreases hunger. Some studies show that HCA even improves cholesterol by lowering triglyceride levels.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin has the amazing ability to supercharge your energy levels, improve your memory, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Similar to HCA, it also boosts mood and reduces hunger by increasing serotonin. The increased energy levels provided by vitamin B12 encourage you to be more active and move towards your best shape.


This popular herb has been used for centuries by Native Americans. Today, it’s a known remedy for pain, inflammation, migraines, and the common cold. It also contains plentiful antioxidants that defend the body from oxidative stress. Echinacea helps manage blood sugar by suppressing enzymes that digest carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar from spiking. Combined with its anti-inflammatory properties, echinacea packs a powerful sculpting punch.


This traditional natural remedy is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties. After a skin treatment or CoolSculpting session, anti-inflammation is exactly what the doctor ordered. Goldenseal supports the lymphatic system as it reduces inflammation and removes dead fat cells.


Similar to other compounds in the Sculptpatch, myrrh blocks the production of inflammatory chemicals that can lead to swelling and pain. If your body is inflamed after some hard gym sessions or CoolSculpting treatments, these properties can help to reveal your tighter, more toned body.

The combination of garcinia cambogia, vitamin b12, echinacea, and myrrh sculpts and shapes your body through simple patch technology. These amazing, natural ingredients can be absorbed into your bloodstream directly through your skin, wasting no time in the digestive tract. Ready to see how SculptPatch technology can tone your body? Shop SculptPatch at any of Urban You’s locations. For best results, combine the daily patches with CoolSculpting or other wellness treatments.