Aging with Confidence with Roxanne Gould

Your Tips for Aging with Confidence

With decades of experience in the modeling industry, Roxanne Gould has learned how to embrace her natural beauty and aging process. In episode 52 of The Beauty Standard Podcast, Gould shares her top tips for aging with confidence and feeling your best self. Whether you're just starting to experience signs of aging or have been living with them for a while, these tips will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. So, if you're looking to improve your mindset or manage your graying hair, tune in for advice from Roxanne Gould!

In this episode, Nicole Gregory and Roxanne Gould discuss how she has embraced aging, gray hair, and the importance of developing daily habits for well-being. Gould shares her holistic approach to finding happiness and developing a positive mindset.

"Our habits create our life. What we do today is going to make us who we are tomorrow."

Roxanne Gould is an international Vogue fashion model who holds the second longest-running modeling career in the fashion industry worldwide. Roxanne started working in the industry at the age of three and has spent time modeling, styling, acting, teaching, coaching, and working in production. She owned a consulting business for 10 years where she taught women of all ages how to build self-confidence through modeling. Today, she models for top fashion and cosmetic brands around the world and is a Chopra Certified Well-Being Coach.

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