Prejuvenation: Stop Aging Before It Starts

Picture this: instead of navigating countless procedures and paying premium prices to reverse signs of aging and skin damage, you can simply freeze your young and healthy skin in time, avoiding all these future annoyances. Locking your youthful skin in place might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but these results are possible for you!

Believe it or not, it is easier to prevent cosmetic skin issues than it is to treat them after they have already surfaced. Why rejuvenate wrinkles, sunspots, and discoloration when you can prejuvenate your skin and avoid these issues altogether. With these prejuvenation tips from Urban You, Modern Beauty and Wellness, you can secure glowing skin for decades to come. 

1. Every day: Skincare Routine

The way you treat your skin each and every day will pay off in the long run. Many people don’t start seriously considering their skin care regimen until later in life, but this is a big mistake! If you don’t know where to start, book a consultation with a skincare professional at Urban You. You are never too young to start caring for your skin and using anti-aging products.  

The number one anti-aging product might be simpler than you think. Prepare to be shocked? A drop of sunscreen might be the best investment you ever make to keep your skin looking young. Shop skincare and sun protection products here. If you’re looking for an additional anti-aging boost, try the TNS Advanced+ Serum. Of course, even more basic than a skincare routine, getting proper sleep and improving nutrition works wonders against the aging process. A monthly subscription, such as Urban You For Me, is the perfect way to keep your skincare routine fresh and exciting. Not to mention the facial fitness and other featured tutorials will help build lifelong prejuvenation habits.

 2.  Every Month: Facial

There are countless benefits to scheduling a monthly facial, one of which is anti-aging. Urban You offers tons of different facials and skin treatments to prevent aging and address all your individual skin concerns. The HydraFacial resurfaces while delivering nutrients, Microneedling stimulates collagen and initiates skin growth, and a chemical peel improves skin texture, including fine lines and wrinkles. Book a facial today to keep aging at bay!

3.  Occasionally: Lasers and Fillers

As we age, loss of volume in the face causes wrinkles, sagging, and hollow cheeks. Replacing this lost volume can be difficult, but adding HA based fillers like the ones offered at Urban You before the damage is done helps your skin generate more of its own collagen. In addition, adding these fillers little by little means more natural results and less recovery time.

Injections like Botox also prevent aging by relaxing facial muscles. Instead of filling in wrinkles, preventative Botox eases muscle tension to prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place. Lasers are also a great option for resurfacing skin and stopping the first signs of aging. The BBL Forever Young/Forever Young+ Lasers at Urban You alleviate and prevent age-related pigmentation and vascularity. In addition, scheduling laser sessions gradually as you age will help you manage signs of aging before they get out of hand. 

Following these tips for the short-term and the long-term will keep your skin young and healthy for years to come. Whether you’re entering retirement or a Millennial just starting out, it is never too early (or too late) to take care of your skin and prevent further aging. Start prejuvenating your skin today with Urban You!