How To Eliminate PCOS Acne and Oily Skin


Oily skin and acne are often associated with adolescence. Acne can feel embarrassing or shameful, as it is usually depicted as something tied to uncleanliness in film and television. We all know that in reality, acne and other skin conditions have little-to-nothing to do with hygiene. Acne and breakouts in adulthood can be particularly challenging to tackle, especially when they’re tethered to hormonal conditions such as menopause or PCOS. 

Knowing that hormonal acne has nothing to do with hygiene is essential, but at the end of the day acceptance doesn't come with clear skin. The key to defeating even the most ruthless breakouts comes in the form of an intense skincare routine. This includes medical grade facials and medical grade, luxury skincare at home. 

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects many women around the world – up to a whopping 10% of women in the United States. PCOS is linked with a myriad of symptoms with effects ranging from mentally damaging to physically harmful. These include weight gain, struggles with infertility, excessive body hair growth, and overly-oily skin. 

Women with PCOS have higher levels of androgens, or “male hormones”, in their bodies. Androgens can cause the skin's sebaceous glands to produce more oil, leading to texture or shininess. This can in turn create clogged pores, inflammation, and acne. While oily skin is not particularly harmful, it can be frustrating, emotionally taxing, and may lead to skin conditions and acne breakouts. 

The cause of PCOS is currently unknown. Doctors have generally concluded that it stems from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. If you believe that you’re being affected by PCOS, schedule a visit with your primary care physician for an official diagnosis and to discuss treatment options. PCOS often feels discouraging, but it can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication to reduce the risk of serious complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Treatment options regarding PCOS are constantly evolving and becoming more effective as clinical research continues. There is not currently a cure for PCOS, but there are plenty of non-invasive, accessible treatments for many of its symptoms. 

If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you deserve the opportunity to rediscover any lost confidence and reclaim your bodily autonomy, regardless of the clinical “severity” of  your symptoms. Keep reading for tips, product recommendations, and to learn about “Acne Bootcamp”, created by master estheticians.

At Home Skincare Routines for Eliminating PCOS Skin Oiliness

The most accessible solution to reducing PCOS skin oiliness is establishing a daily skincare routine packed with products that suit your skin type. It may be tempting to completely cut out products such as moisturizer, as oiliness is often linked to over-hydration – trust us when we say that is not the solution. In fact, it actively forces your skin to create more oil to hydrate itself. Cutting out hydrating products from your skincare routine encourages oil production while simultaneously drying out your skin. 

To avoid this problem, we recommend using a face mask and gel. PCA Skin specializes in products designed to effectively stop breakouts and oil overproduction. Their Hydrating Mask and salicylic acid-infused Acne Gel work together seamlessly to spot treat active breakouts and provide much-needed all over hydration at the same time. Using products with salicylic acid concentrates unclogs pores and significantly reduces the appearance of blackheads.

While incredibly effective, ingredients such as salicylic acid may slightly irritate the skin if used alone. To reduce redness or skin sensitivity, pair more intense products with those made of gentler ingredients, such as the PCA Skin BPO 5% Cleanser. This powerful 5% liquid benzoyl peroxide daily cleanser eliminates acne-causing bacteria without the use of irritating surfactants that can damage and aggravate the skin. 

To round out your acne-prone skincare routine, use a Hydrating Toner. Toners remove oil while making sure not to strip the skin of any natural hydration, so your skin will be the perfect middle ground between feeling oily and dry. 


All in all, medical grade skincare is a key player in restoring PCOS-damaged skin to its previous level of health and clarity. Medical grade products are clinically tested for effectiveness, and are packed with higher concentrations of powerful ingredients, so not only will you see results quicker, they’ll also be more significant than if you were to achieve them with drugstore products!

Acne Bootcamp: What is it and How Can it Help Hormonal Acne?

The Urban You offers a customizable 3-level treatment plan for defeating all types of acne for patients of all ages. Acne Bootcamp eliminates hyperpigmentation, diminishes inflammation, and revives damaged skin by mixing solutions and peels tailored to you and your skin’s individual needs. 

Establishing a daily skincare routine is essential in maintaining clear, healthy skin. However, severe cases of acne, particularly hormonal acne, can be difficult to gain control of when you aren’t starting with a blank slate. Acne Bootcamp takes the reins and helps you get to a point where the products in your routine can effectively penetrate the skin to their fullest potential! 

Acne Bootcamp is designed to treat your skin in 3 ways, all helping to completely diminish the presence and appearance of oily skin:

  • 1. Create a healthier microbiome and balance the ph level of the skin

  • 2. Refresh and revive the skin with mild exfoliation and bacteria-killing ingredients

  • 3. Transform the skin to diminish inflammation under the skin and correct discoloration of the skin

Acne Bootcamp: Before and After Photos


To learn more about Acne Bootcamp and how it can be tailored to your fight against PCOS, tune into our podcast episode with Skin Guru Jennie Berhenbrinker! To get a personalized learning experience, book a free consultation with one of The Urban You’s expert, certified staff with over 40 years of combined experience. We want to help you regain control of your skin and confidence!

Oily skin is a common and often unavoidable symptom of PCOS, but it can be managed with proper skincare, adjusted lifestyle habits, and help from an esthetician. By following a regular skincare routine and working with a healthcare provider, those who live with PCOS can not only reclaim their confidence, but help their skin achieve a level of flawlessness they’ve never experienced before!

For more information on The Urban You’s signature Acne Bootcamp program, tune into the recent episode of The Beauty Standard podcast with skin guru Jennie Berhenbrinker! Jennie and Urban You CEO Nicole Gregory go in-depth about Acne Bootcamp, including the difference in levels and how to properly care for your skin at home. 


Visit Urban You For Me to shop all luxury, medical-grade skincare products mentioned in this article. Clinically tested skincare products can make a world of difference than those sold at mainstream beauty retailers, see for yourself and save 20% by using code UYBLOG at checkout! Want to save even more by receiving a 10% off discount on your Acne Bootcamp experience? Join the Urban You membership program — members receive 10% off all services offered at The Urban You, as well as special offers and exclusive deals!