5 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

It’s time to ditch the razor… here’s why!

Getting rid of unwanted body hair can be time-consuming, painful, and overall inconvenient – but it doesn’t have to be. Thanks to laser hair removal, you can say goodbye to the endless cycle of buying razor refills and month-long growth periods between waxing appointments! If you’re tired of putting your life on hold due to body hair-related insecurities, laser treatment may be the perfect solution for you! Keep reading to learn about the five benefits of laser hair removal. 

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Before we dive into the benefits that come with laser hair removal, let’s break down what it is and how it works.

Laser hair removal should always be performed by a certified, professional technician. They will send concentrated energy, in the form of light, to the specific areas where removal is desired. The very precise light allows technicians to target cells, hair follicles, and bulbs without damaging the surrounding skin tissue, making the treatment very low risk. 

Noticeable thinning and shedding of hair will be visible 1-3 weeks following your first session, and laser hair removal can be up to 95% effective at halting regrowth once all treatment cycles are completed!

It’s a Long-Term Solution

Perhaps the most appealing aspect of laser hair removal is the longevity of its results. After treatment cycles are completed, hair growth will become less frequent (or may stop altogether), and regrowth will be significantly thinner and slower. Results can last years depending on the initial number of cycles done, touch-up appointments, and the thickness/color of hair being targeted. 

Most medical spas or clinics include 4-5 cycles in a laser hair removal package, but Urban You offers 9 treatment cycles with unlimited touch-ups in our Treat to Complete package! 

You Don’t Need to Regrow in Between Sessions

One of the biggest inconveniences about waxing is the required 3-5 week regrowth period in between appointments. This is particularly frustrating during summer months when you’re more likely to have your legs, underarms, or bikini line exposed. Unlike waxing, laser hair removal doesn’t need to grip onto any hair in order to be effective, since it targets the follicle itself. Because of this, you can feel free to shave in between treatment sessions. Say goodbye to the insecurities and inconveniences caused by regrowth!

It’s Quick and Less Painful than Other Methods

While the idea of laser hair removal may sound intimidating, it is far less time consuming and painful than one may think! Smaller areas, like underarms and bikini lines, typically take around 20 minutes from start to finish per session. Once your treatment cycle has finished, touch up appointments may be even quicker and far less frequent!

In terms of pain, most people compare it to the pinch of a rubber band. Some find it more uncomfortable than painful, but it is all dependent on your individual pain threshold. If you’re nervous about any possible pain, your technician can provide you with a cooling treatment! Recovery from laser hair removal is generally easy and painless, too; it may look and feel like you’ve attained a mild sunburn on treated areas, but it typically only lasts 1-2 days and pain reducers are available if desired. 

Laser Hair Removal may Help Other Skin Concerns

While not its main purpose, laser hair removal may reduce hyperpigmentation and improve other skin imperfections. If you have dark hair, laser treatments will lighten the overall appearance of follicles as they’re treated, giving your skin a smoother, more even appearance. Laser treatment also stimulates new skin growth, giving your skin a youthful, renewed look!

Laser Treatment is Cost Effective and Saves Time

Because laser hair removal results last years, you’ll no longer (or very rarely) have to spend money on razor refills, shaving cream, waxing appointments, etc. As laser hair removal becomes more accessible, its average cost is lowering, while the cost of waxing is increasing. 

Laser treatment doesn’t only save you money, however! Once your treatment cycle is complete, you won’t have to spend time shaving multiple times a week or avoid certain activities during waxing regrowth periods. Body hair is a common insecurity for many people – laser hair removal can help relieve most, if not all, of that stress! Book a laser assessment with one of our trained providers at Urban You today to see if laser is the right solution for you!