Botox for Jaw Pain & TMJ Relief


Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a popular cosmetic treatment known for its ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in the face. Something you may not know is that Botox is not only used for aesthetic purposes, but for medical purposes as well. One of the less commonly known uses of Botox is for treating tension in the masseter muscles.

The masseter muscles are located on the sides of your face, and are responsible for chewing and clenching your jaw. When these muscles become overactive or hypertrophied, they can cause a variety of issues, including: headaches, jaw pain, teeth grinding, and even changes in facial appearance! Botox injections into the masseter muscles can help relax them and alleviate these symptoms so you can live an abundant life without dealing with the inconvenient pain of TMJ!

If you're considering getting Botox for your masseter muscles, here are some things you should know:

  • Find a qualified and experienced provider: Botox injections should only be performed by a licensed and experienced health care provider. They should also have experience in injecting the masseter muscles specifically, as it requires a different technique than other areas of the face. Luckily, Urban You has an expert staff of nurse injectors who are all trained in injecting in the masseter!

  • Understand the procedure: Botox injections into the masseter muscles typically take only a few minutes and involve several small injections into each side of the face. The injections are relatively painless, and your provider can provide a topical local anesthetic if you’d prefer to have one! Botox injections are nonsurgical and noninvasive, so most people can resume daily activities directly after treatment!

  • Manage your expectations: While Botox can be highly effective in reducing the size and activity of the masseter muscles, it's important to have realistic expectations. Results may take several weeks to fully appear, and you may need multiple treatments to achieve the desired effect. Discuss the Urban You Treat-to-Complete package with your provider at your Wellness Consultation!

  • Consider potential side effects: While Botox injections are generally safe and well-tolerated, there are some potential side effects to be aware of, including:

    • temporary swelling

    • bruising

    • drooping of the eyelid or mouth

    These side effects are usually mild and last 24-48 hours, but should be discussed with your provider before treatment.

Botox - Before & After Photos


In conclusion, Botox injections for the masseter muscles can be an effective treatment for a variety of issues related to jaw clenching and grinding. If you're considering this treatment, prepare to handle potential side effects, research to see if it’s the right fit for you, and follow all aftercare instructions. With proper care, Botox for the masseter muscles can help improve both your physical symptoms and boost your confidence!

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