OK, I asked-Do I really need a Skincare Routine?


The simple answer is YES.

Did you know that for most people it takes 21 days to form a habit? We know skincare routines can seem daunting for many different reasons. So we’ve decided to take half the work out of it for you and have created the ultimate skincare routine. We want to challenge you to take a few minutes out of your day for the next 21 days to form your skincare routine habit! So let’s break it down, what products should you be using.

While every person is different and every skincare routine might be tweaked a little bit, this guide will show you the steps we think are a great start to get that, glowing and ageless skin most of us are searching for.


Skincare Steps:

  1. Start by CLEANSING the skin, it might seem like you don’t need to cleanse your skin after a night of just sleeping. But this is an important first step! You sweat at night and your skin lays on your pillow and blankets- so it’s important to wash your face to clean out anything that might have built up overnight. we suggest this cleanser as apart of your everyday routine.

  2. .Next step in your routine is a TONER.


    It shrinks pores. when you apply a small amount of toner to a soft cotton ball and dab on your face it will remove oil and give the appearance of smaller pores.

    It helps with your skin's pH balance.

    Our skin is naturally acidic. Our PH balance can get out of whack for multiple reasons and your skin needs to work overtime to return to its normal levels (and that may result in oil), but using a toner can help restore this balance quickly.

    Toner adds a layer of protection.

    Toners can help close pores and tighten cell gaps after cleansing, making it harder for things to get into and contaminate your pores. It can even protect and remove chlorine and minerals present in tap water.

  3. SERUM is a great tool for targeting specific skincare concerns, like wrinkles or fine lines. This medical-grade serum from Skinmedica, TNS Essential Serum is a must-have in your skincare routine. It is made up of smaller molecules that can penetrate deeply into the skin and deliver a very high concentration of active ingredients.

  4. The next step in your routine is EYE CREAM. Eye cream is proven to:

    Energize and rejuvenate to help eyes look brighter and more youthful.

    Instantly improves eyes' appearance, including dark circles, sagging, puffiness, and lines.

    Works overtime to continue reducing the visible signs of aging and fatigue.
    If you don’t have an eye cream apart of your routine, we recommend picking up the Instant bright eye cream today!

  5. MOISTURIZER, MOISTURIZER, MOISTURIZER, we feel like this step really helps our skin feel smooth and hydrated. And it also helps your makeup go on evenly and helps with fine lines and wrinkles. The HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator is the top of the line.

  6. Last but not least, SPF. Many people forget or even feel that this step is only important on days that you will be at the beach. But SPF should be apart of your everyday routine. Prevention is the best way to age gracefully. Also, your skin is the largest organ in your body and deserves to be protected from harmful rays.

Tips and Tricks for better skin:

  • change your pillowcase every week

  • NEVER EVER go to bed with makeup on

  • say NO to tanning beds and YES to spray tans

  • drink plenty of water, morning and night. ( from our #ecofriendly water bottles)

We know that there are ALL different types of skin types, so while this is a great basic routine. We also recommend you get a skincare consultation ( they’re FREE) to help assess which products you might need to focus on to really work through your personal skincare goals!